a pair of beach sandals on the sand

Getting the Most from Your Vacation

As you head out for your much-needed vacation, I want to share an interesting article from TED that will help you get the most out of your vacation.  Unhooking and relaxing is good for your physical and emotional health, your relationships and your productivity when you return.  Click on the link below to access the full article.

To truly refresh, recover and rejuvenate, engage in these four things:

Relaxation–Enjoy some pleasant and undemanding activities.  For some, this might mean baking or binge-watching The Crown.  It might mean a nature walk, a day at the spa or a game of golf.  Relax and have fun!

Control–Decide, over these next couple of weeks, how YOU want to spend your time, energy and attention.  Do things that feed you.

Mastery Experiences–Engage in engaging,  interesting and absorbing activities like chess, immersion in a foreign language, cooking school, etc.  Challenge yourself to learn and master something new.

Mental Detachment from Work–Escape from ALL work-related thoughts and activities for a period of time.  Be unreachable.  Really.

If you can do all of these things, even for just a day or two at a time, you will come back to work truly restored.

Click on the link above to read the full article.

Happy Holidays!